Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010

Chicago - The Loop


Donnerstag bis Samstag letzter Woche waren wir in Chicago!

Diese Stadt ist einfach beeindruckend und hat sehr viel zu bieten. Vor allem am Abend ist die Skyline atemberaubend. Unser Hostel war mitten in Downtown Chicago, auch ,,The Loop"genannt. Und geanu darueber werde ich euch jetzt ein bisschen informieren :

Chicago Loop is the historic commercial center of Downtown Chicago. After Midtown Manhatten the Chicago Loop is the biggest business district in the United States. There are many skyscrapers, because there's not a lot of space (in 1900 it had the world's highest concentration of skyscrapers). It has many historical buildings, but it also shows architecturial creativity. A good example is the Willis Tower (former Sears Tower), because it's the highest building in the USA. Besides there are many works of art for example of Picasso. The Loop has about 16 400 inhabitants. The name means translated in German ,,Schleife" and it comes from the route of a streetcar that served Chicago in 1882 (you can compare it to the famous cable cars in San Francisco).

Ich hoffe, ihr seid neugierig geworden und wollt selbst mal ,,The Chicago Loop" entdecken!

Viele Gruesse aus Lodi,

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